in order

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


in order

  1. valmis, järjestyksessä, kunnossa oleva, kunnossa.

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kunnossa oleva, kunnossa, järjestyksessä In a sequence.

Place the cards in order by color, then by number.

ready Ready, prepared; orderly; tidy.

I wish I could get my desk in order.

His material is in order for the presentation.

puhekieltä In accordance with the procedural rules governing formal meetings of a deliberative body.
puhekieltä appropriate Appropriate, worthwhile.

''Now that we have finally finished, I think a celebration is in order.

puhekieltä (non-gloss definition)

She stood in order to see over the crowd. / She stood to see over the crowd.

She stood in order for her husband to see her. / She stood for her husband to see her.

puhekieltä In sequence.

They sang in order, ending with a basso profundo.


in order rimmaa näiden kanssa:

cheerleader, outsider

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